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    After seven years at Apple, where I progressed from a part-time sales person to an associate manager, I transitioned to a remote web developer role at 14 Oranges. My journey began with self-taught web development and a bootcamp at Lighthouse Labs. While I initially missed the daily interactions of retail, I now thrive on managing large projects and solving complex problems in a remote setting. My background in Kinesiology fuels my passion for creating impactful digital health solutions. This career change has been challenging yet rewarding, and I’m excited about the future of digital health and continuous learning in web development.
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    This article covers the key points of setting up Python using Homebrew, creating virtual environments, and managing packages. It's straightforward and easy to follow, making it a great reference for future use. Feel free to modify or expand on any sections to better fit your personal style or to include any additional insights you found particularly useful during the process.
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    Transitioning from a bustling retail environment at Apple to remote web development at 14 Oranges, I've learned the importance of building strong client relationships virtually. In this post, I share my experiences and strategies for fostering effective communication, trust, and collaboration with clients while working remotely.
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    I never truly understood when I should use Reacts useRef hook. It felt similar to useState, but I never really understood the difference. I also never understood when I should use forwardRef. I will explain both of these hooks and when you should use them.
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    I was reading some code and saw this nullish coalescing operator (??) which I had never seen these before, so I decided to look them up and write a blog post about them. I have always used the logical OR (||) operator to check for null or undefined values, but I learned that there is a better way to do it.
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    This article will help you get started making GraphQL queries and mutations. It covers the basics of creating a schema, queries, and mutations.
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    Go is a programming language that is gaining popularity. It is a statically typed language that is compiled and has a garbage collector. It is a language that is easy to learn and has a lot of resources available for learning. In this article, we will learn the basics of Go.