- Published on
Basics of Go
- Authors
- Name
- Curtis Warcup
Table of Contents
- Basics of Go
- Running a Go program
- Go Packages
- Types of Go Packages
- Imports and Packages
- Standard Library Packages
- Functions
- Receivers
- Multiple Return Values
- Creating a Variable
- Functions and Return Types
- Shorthand with inferred types
- Slices
- Creating a Slice
- For Loop - Iterating Over a Slice
- Selecting Items from a Slice
- Saving Data to a File
- Type []byte
- Type Conversion
- Reading Data from a File
- Random Numbers
- Testing in Go
- Structs
- Creating a Struct
- Updating Struct Values with dot notation
- Embedding Structs
- Structs with Receiver Functions
- Updating Struct Values with Receiver Functions and Pointers
- Reference vs Value Types
- Maps
- Creating a Map
- Iterating over a map
- Maps vs Structs
- Interfaces
- Creating an interface
- Rules of interfaces
- Concrete types vs Interface types
Basics of Go
Running a Go program
We can use the go
cli to perform a variety of tasks:
Command | Description |
go build | Compiles a bunch of go source code files |
go run | Compiles and executes one or two files |
go fmt | Formats all the code in each file in the current directory |
go install | Compiles and "installs" a package |
go get | Downloads the raw source code of someone else's package |
go test | Runs any tests associated with the current project |
Go Packages
Think of a package as a collection of code files each ending in .go
. A package is a way to group together related code. For example, the fmt
package contains code for formatting text. The math
package contains code for mathematical operations. The net/http
package contains code for making HTTP requests.
In order for a file to be part of a package, it must start with a line of code that looks like this:
package main
Types of Go Packages
There are two types of packages:
- Executable: Generates a file that we can run. Are used for 'doing things' like running a server or a command line tool.
- Reusable: Code used as 'helpers'. Good place to put reusable logic. Think of these are libraries.
How do we know if we are making a reusable or executable package? We can tell by the package name. If the package name is main
, then it is an executable package. If the package name is anything else, then it is a reusable package.
is a special package name. It tells the Go compiler that the package should compile as an executable program instead of a reusable package.
Anytime we create an executable package, we need to have a function called main
with no arguments and no return values. This is the entry point for our program.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, World!")
Imports and Packages
We use the import "fmt"
package to give main
access to the fmt
package. The fmt
package contains functions for formatting text. We use the fmt.Println
function to print the string "Hello, World!"
to the terminal.
Think of our main
package as a separate program. In order to give it access to the fmt
package, we need to import it. We have other packages that we can import as well. For example, the math
package contains functions for mathematical operations.
We are not limited to importing packages that are part of the standard library. We can also import packages that are written by other people. These are called third-party packages. We can import third-party packages by using the go get
package main
import (
Standard Library Packages
We can see a list of all the standard library packages here.
We can define a function by using the func
keyword. We can define a function that takes zero or more arguments and returns zero or more values.
We can define a function that is associated with a particular type. We do this by creating a receiver. A receiver is just a parameter that is defined in our function definition with a type. The receiver is defined before the function name.
// create a new type of 'deck'
// which is a slice of strings
type deck []string
// loop through the deck and print each card
func (d deck) print() {
for i, card := range d {
fmt.Println(i, card)
Any variable of type deck
now gets access top the print
cards := deck{"Ace of Diamonds", newCard()}
// Output:
// 0 Ace of Diamonds
// 1 Five of Diamonds
Multiple Return Values
We can return multiple values from a function. We can do this by separating the return types with a comma.
// pass in a deck and the number of cards you want to deal
// returns two decks, the first is the hand and the second is the remaining deck
func deal(d deck, handSize int) (deck deck) {
// return everything from the start of the deck to the handSize
// and everything from the handSize to the end of the deck
return d[:handSize], d[handSize:]
We can use this in our main function to deal a hand of cards. However, the deal
function returns two values.
If we do not want to use one of the return values, we can use the blank identifier. The blank identifier is an underscore (_
). We can use the blank identifier to tell Go that we are intentionally not using a value.
func main() {
cards := newDeck()
hand, _ := deal(cards, 5)
Creating a Variable
We can create a variable by using the var
keyword. We can create a variable that is set to a specific value or we can create a variable without a value and then later assign a value to it.
The syntax for creating a variable is:
var name type = value
var name string = "Todd"
var age int = 45
var isCool bool = true
var size float32 = 2.3
These are the basic types in Go. There are more.
Go is a statically typed language. This means that once a variable is declared with a certain type, it can only ever be that type. We cannot change the type of the variable later on.
Dynamic Typing | Static Typing |
JavaScript | Go |
Python | C++ |
Ruby | Java |
Functions and Return Types
We need to tell the Go compiler what type of value we are returning from a function. We do this by adding the type after the closing parenthesis of the function parameters.
func newCard() string {
return "Five of Diamonds"
If we do not return a value, the function will return nothing.
Shorthand with inferred types
We can depend on the Go compiler to infer the type of the variable based on the value that we assign to it. We can use the shorthand syntax to create a variable.
name := "Todd"
age := 45
isCool := true
size := 2.3
Only have to use the :=
when we first initialize a variable. After that, we can use the =
name := "Gilligan"
name = "Skipper"
Go has two data types for storing multiple values: arrays and slices. Arrays are fixed length. Slices are dynamic length.
Every slice
must be the same data type.
Creating a Slice
We can create a slice by using []
and specifying the type of the slice.
func main() {
cards := []string{"Ace of Diamonds", newCard()}
// function that will return the name and type of a card
func newCard() string {
return "Five of Diamonds"
For Loop - Iterating Over a Slice
func main() {
cards := []string{"Ace of Diamonds", newCard()}
cards = append(cards, "Six of Spades")
for i, card := range cards {
fmt.Println(i, card)
// function that will return the name and type of a card
func newCard() string {
return "Five of Diamonds"
// Output
// 0 Ace of Diamonds
// 1 Five of Diamonds
// 2 Six of Spades
The syntax for a for
loop is:
for index, card := range cards {
fmt.Println(index, card)
is a keyword that allows us to iterate over a slice. It returns two values: the index of the current item and a copy of the item itself. We also used :=
to create a new variable called card
inside of the for
loop. This variable is only available inside of the for
If we are not using the index, we can use the underscore _
to tell the Go compiler that we don't want to use this variable.
for _, card := range cards {
Selecting Items from a Slice
We can simply access item on a slice by using the index.
// example slice
fruits := []string{"apple", "orange", "banana"}
// access the first item
// output
// apple
We also have access to some special functions built into Go:
Specifying a Range
fruits[startIndexIncluding : upToNotIncluding]
// example slice
fruits := []string{"apple", "orange", "banana", "kiwi"}
// access the first two items
// output
// [apple orange]
We can optionally leave out the starting index or the ending index. If we leave out the starting index, it will start at the beginning of the slice. If we leave out the ending index, it will go all the way to the end of the slice.
// example slice
fruits := []string{"apple", "orange", "banana", "kiwi"}
// access the first two items
fmt.Println(fruits[:2]) // [apple orange]
// access the last two items
fmt.Println(fruits[2:]) // [banana kiwi]
Saving Data to a File
How do we interact with the file system? We can use the os
package. Learn more here
func WriteFile(name string, data []byte, perm FileMode) error
package main
import (
func main() {
cards := []string{"Ace of Diamonds", newCard()}
cards = append(cards, "Six of Spades")
// create a file
file, err := os.Create("my_cards.txt")
// check for errors
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
// write to the file
fmt.Fprint(file, cards)
// close the file
Type func WriteFile(name string, data []byte, perm FileMode) error
The WriteFile
function takes in a []byte
as the second parameter. What is a []byte
? It is a slice of bytes. A byte is a unit of data that is 8 bits long. A byte can hold a number between 0 and 255.
Go uses the decimal system. The number 255 is the largest number that can be represented by a single byte. The number 256 is the smallest number that cannot be represented by a single byte. It is essentially a more efficient way of storing data.
Type Conversion
We can convert a []string
to a []byte
by using the []byte
[]typeWeWant("value we have")
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
greeting := "hi there!"
fmt.Println([]byte(greeting)) //[104 105 32 116 104 101 114 101 33]
Reading Data from a File
We can use the os
package to read data from a file. Learn more here
func ReadFile(filename string) ([]byte, error)
// read a deck from a file
func newDeckFromFile(filename string) deck {
// read the file
bs, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
// convert the byte slice to a string
s := strings.Split(string(bs), ",")
// convert the string to a deck
return deck(s)
// main.go
func main() {
cards := newDeck()
hand, _ := deal(cards, 5)
// create a new deck from a file
newCards := newDeckFromFile("my_cards")
Random Numbers
We have a function that accepts a deck
type and shuffles the order of the cards, returning a shuffled deck.
// shuffle the deck
// need to accept a deck, shuffle around the cards, and return the deck
func (d deck) shuffle() deck {
// for each card in the deck
for index := range d {
// generate ran num between 0 and the length of the deck
newPosition := rand.Intn(len(d) - 1)
// swap the current card with the card at the random index
d[index], d[newPosition] = d[newPosition], d[index]
// return the deck
return d
However, we notice that the order of the cards is always the same. This is because the rand
package uses a pseudo-random number generator. This means that the numbers are generated in a predictable way. We can use the time
package to generate a truly random number.
func (d deck) shuffle() deck {
source := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
r := rand.New(source)
// for each card in the deck
for index := range d {
// generate ran num between 0 and the length of the deck
newPosition := r.Intn(len(d) - 1)
// swap the current card with the card at the random index
d[index], d[newPosition] = d[newPosition], d[index]
// return the deck
return d
We could use this in our main
function to shuffle the deck.
package main
func main() {
cards := newDeck()
hand, _ := deal(cards, 5)
Testing in Go
We do not use Mocha, Jest, or Jasmine to test our code in Go. Instead, we can create a new file ending with _test.go
and write our tests in there.
We can then run the tests by running go test
in the terminal.
Getting started:
func TestNewDeck(t *testing.T) {
- All tests accept
as the first argument t
is a type of*testing.T
func TestNewDeck(t *testing.T) {
d := newDeck()
// check the length of the deck
if len(d) != 52 {
t.Errorf("Expected deck length of 52, but got %v", len(d))
is used to log an error- we can use
to print the value of a variable
We have access to a data structure known as a struct
. A struct
is a collection of fields. We can create a new struct
by using the type
Think of a struct
as an object
in JavaScript. It is a collection of properties.
Creating a Struct
We need to define all the different properties that we want to store in our struct
. We can then create a value that matches the struct
type person struct {
firstName string
lastName string
There are actually three ways of declaring a struct
We can create a new person
by using the person
func main() {
// 1
curtis1 := person{
firstName: "Curtis",
lastName: "Warcup",
// 2
curtis2 := person{"Curtis", "Warcup"}
// 3
var curtis3 person
fmt.Println(curtis1) // {Curtis Warcup}
fmt.Println(curtis2) // {Curtis Warcup}
fmt.Println(curtis3) // { }
This is very similar to how we create a new object in JavaScript.
const person = {
firstName: 'Curtis',
lastName: 'Warcup',
Updating Struct Values with dot notation
In option three, we are creating a new person
with the person
type. However, we are not assigning any values to the properties. We can then assign values to the properties by using the .
func main() {
var curtis person
curtis.firstName = "Curtis"
curtis.lastName = "Warcup"
fmt.Println(curtis) // {Curtis Warcup}
When you create an empty struct
, all the properties are set to their zero values.
func main() {
var curtis person
fmt.Println(curtis) // { }
Depending on your struct
, you will get different zero values.
Type | Zero Value |
string | "" |
int | 0 |
bool | false |
float | 0 |
struct | |
slice | nil |
We can print the zero values by using the %+v
func main() {
var curtis person
fmt.Printf("%+v", curtis)
Embedding Structs
We can have a struct
that contains other structs
. This is known as embedding.
Maybe we have a person
that has a contactInfo
property. We can create a new struct
for contactInfo
and embed it in the person
type contactInfo struct {
email string
phone int
type person struct {
firstName string
lastName string
contact contactInfo
func main() {
var curtis person
fmt.Printf("%+v", curtis) // {firstName: lastName: contact:{email: phone:0}}
You can also use the shorthand like so:
type contactInfo struct {
email string
phone int
type person struct {
firstName string
lastName string
Creating a new Struct with Embedded Structs
func main() {
curtis := person{
firstName: "Curtis",
lastName: "Warcup",
contact: contactInfo{
email: "curtis@email.com",
phone: 123456789,
fmt.Printf("%+v", curtis)
fmt.Println(curtis.contact.email) // curtis@email.com
// output
// {firstName:Curtis lastName:Warcup contact:{email:curtis@email.com phone:123456789}}
If we used the shorthand for the contactInfo
, we would need to use the contactInfo
property to access the email
func main() {
curtis := person{
firstName: "Curtis",
lastName: "Warcup",
contactInfo: contactInfo{
email: "curtis@email.com",
phone: 123456789,
fmt.Printf("%+v", curtis)
Structs with Receiver Functions
We can create a function that accepts a struct
as a parameter. We can then call this function on a struct
package main
import "fmt"
type contactInfo struct {
email string
phone int
type person struct {
firstName string
lastName string
func main() {
curtis := person{
firstName: "Curtis",
lastName: "Warcup",
contactInfo: contactInfo{
email: "curtis@email.com",
phone: 123456789,
// receiver function that accepts a person struct
func (p person) print() {
fmt.Printf("%+v", p)
Updating Struct Values with Receiver Functions and Pointers
Pointers in Go
Recall that in Go, we pass values by default. This means that when we pass a value into a function, we are passing a copy of that value. If we want to update the value, we need to pass a reference to the value.
When we say "pass by value", we are actually passing a copy of the value. This means that if we update the value inside the function, it will not update the value outside the function. The copy is made available to the function. The original value is not changed.
So how do we use pointers to update the original value?
We need to update our code a bit:
type contactInfo struct {
email string
phone int
type person struct {
firstName string
lastName string
func main() {
curtis := person{
firstName: "Curtis",
lastName: "Warcup",
contactInfo: contactInfo{
email: "curtis@email.com",
phone: 123456789,
curtis.print() // {firstName:Curtis lastName:Warcup contactInfo:{email:
curtisPointer := &curtis // get the memory address of the curtis variable
curtisPointer.updateName("Stinky") // update the name to Stinky
curtis.print() // {firstName:Stinky lastName:Warcup contact:{email:
func (p person) print() {
fmt.Printf("%+v", p)
// updated function that accepts a pointer to a person
func (pointerToPerson *person) updateName(newFirstName string) {
// update the value of the person's first name
(*pointerToPerson).firstName = newFirstName
- This is a special character that we can use to print the memory address of a variable.
- It gives you the memory address of the value this variable is pointing at.
- This is an operator that we can use to get the value that the pointer is pointing at.
When we do &curtis
, we are getting the memory address of the curtis
variable. We are assigning this pointer to curtisPointer
. We then go and call .updateName("Stinky")
on curtisPointer
. This is the same as calling .updateName("Stinky")
on &curtis
In our function, we changed the receiver from person
to *person
. This means that we are now passing a pointer to a person
instead of a person
value. We can then use the *
operator to get the value that the pointer is pointing at. We can then update the value of the firstName
When we have a *
in front of a type, it means that we are working with a pointer to that type.
When we have a *
in front of a variable, it means that we want to read/manipulate the value that the pointer is referencing.
Turn address into value with
Turn value into address with
Pointer Shortcut
With Go, we can define a receiver function that accepts a pointer to a person
instead of a person
value. We can then use the *
operator to get the value that the pointer is pointing at. We can then update the value of the firstName
func main() {
curtis := person{
firstName: "Curtis",
lastName: "Warcup",
contactInfo: contactInfo{
email: "curtis@email.com",
phone: 123456789,
curtis.updateName("Stinky") // never used the & operator
func (p *person) updateName(newFirstName string) {
// update the value of the person's first name
(*p).firstName = newFirstName
Need to make sure we have the
in front of the type when we define the receiver function. We don't need the*
in front of the variable when we call the function.
Things to keep in mind with pointers in Go
Take this slice
for example:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
mySlice := []string{"Hi", "There", "How", "Are", "You"}
func updateSlices(s []string) {
s[0] = "Bye"
If we run this, we get ["Bye", "There", "How", "Are", "You"]
. This is because we are passing a reference to the slice
into the function. We are not passing a copy of the slice
. So when we update the slice
inside the function, we are updating the original slice
Why didn't this occur when we used a struct
Reference vs Value Types
When we pass a struct
into a function, we are passing a copy of the struct
. We are not passing a reference to the struct
. So when we update the struct
inside the function, we are not updating the original struct
Arrays | Slices |
Primate data structure | Can grow and shrink |
Can't be resized | Used the majority of the time for lists of things |
Rarely used |
Go has access to both slices
and arrays
. It's very rare we actually use arrays
in Go. We use slices
instead. A slice
is like a fancy array. When we make a slice
, Go internally makes two separate data structures: a slice
and an array
. The slice
is a reference to the array
. The slice
is what we actually use. The array
is what Go uses to store the data.
When we pass a slice
into a function, we are passing a reference to the slice
. We are not passing a copy of the slice
. So when we update the slice
inside the function, we are updating the original slice
Value Types | Reference Types |
int | slice |
float | map |
string | channel |
bool | pointer |
struct | functions |
For value types
, when we pass the value into a function, we are passing a copy of the value. We are not passing a reference to the value. So when we update the value inside the function, we are not updating the original value. We must use pointers when we are changing the value of a value type
inside a function.
For reference types
, we do NOT need to worry about pointers.
A map
is a collection of key:value
Language | Name |
JavaScript | Object |
Python | Dictionary |
Ruby | Hash |
Go | Map |
Creating a Map
We have a few ways of making maps
. However, unlike structs
we can not use the dot .
notation to update a map
with colors := map[string]string{
is the keyword[string]
is the key typestring
is the value type
colors := map[string]string{
"red": "#ff0000",
"green": "#4bf745",
"white": "#ffffff",
with We can also create an empty map
and then add key:value
pairs to it.
colors := make(map[string]string)
colors["white"] = "#ffffff"
colors["red"] = "#ff0000"
colors.green = "#4bf745" // this will not work
fmt.Println(colors) // map[white:#ffffff red:#ff0000]
We can do the same things but with int
as the key type.
colors := make(map[int]string)
colors[10] = "#ffffff"
colors[20] = "#ff0000"
fmt.Println(colors) // map[10:#ffffff 20:#ff0000]
with var colors map[string]string
colors["white"] = "#ffffff"
colors["red"] = "#ff0000"
fmt.Println(colors) // map[red:#ff0000 white:#ffffff]
Iterating over a map
/// arg map type
func printMap(c map[string]string) {
for key, value := range c {
Real example:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
colors := map[string]string{
"red": "#ff0000",
"green": "#4bf745",
"white": "#ffffff",
func printMap(c map[string]string) {
for color, hex := range c {
fmt.Println("Hex code for", color, "is", hex)
// output
// Hex code for red is #ff0000
// Hex code for green is #4bf745
// Hex code for white is #ffffff
Maps vs Structs
Map | Struct |
All keys are the same type | Keys can be different types |
All values are the same type | Values can be different types |
Keys are indexed. Can iterate over all key:value pairs | Keys are not indexed |
Reference type. Don't need to worry about pointers. | Value type. Need pointers when making changes to a struct. |
Don't need to know all the keys at compile time | Need to know all the keys at compile time |
When to use a map
vs a struct
- use a
when you have a very closely related set of values.
So we know that...
- every value has a type assigned to it.
- every function has to specify the type of its arguments and return values.
So does this mean that every function we ever write be rewritten to accommodate every type of value we ever want to pass into it?
Take for example the following code:
package main
import "fmt"
type englishBot struct{}
type spanishBot struct{}
func main() {
eb := englishBot{}
sp := spanishBot{}
func (eb englishBot) getGreeting() string {
// unique logic for generating an english greeting
return "Hi There!"
func (sb spanishBot) getGreeting() string {
// unique logic for generating a spanish greeting
return "Hola!"
func printGreeting(eb englishBot) {
func printGreetingSpanish(sb spanishBot) {
This is very repetitive. We have to write two functions that do the same thing. We have to write two functions that take in two different types of arguments. We have to write two functions that return two different types of values.
How can we make this more DRY? We can do this by using an interface
package main
import "fmt"
// bot is an interface
type bot interface {
getGreeting() string
type englishBot struct{}
type spanishBot struct{}
func main() {
eb := englishBot{}
sp := spanishBot{}
// printGreeting is a function that takes in a bot, NOT an englishBot or spanishBot
func printGreeting(b bot) {
func (eb englishBot) getGreeting() string {
// unique logic for generating an english greeting
return "Hi There!"
func (sb spanishBot) getGreeting() string {
// unique logic for generating a spanish greeting
return "Hola!"
Creating an interface
type bot interface {
getGreeting() string
What this is doing is saying anything with a function called getGreeting
that returns a string
is a bot
. Since englishBot
and spanishBot
both have a function called getGreeting
that returns a string
they are both bot
For example, this would NOT work:
package main
import "fmt"
type bot interface {
getGreeting() string
type englishBot struct{}
type spanishBot struct{}
func main() {
eb := englishBot{}
sp := spanishBot{}
printGreeting(sp) // ERROR!
func printGreeting(b bot) {
func (eb englishBot) getGreeting() string {
// unique logic for generating an english greeting
return "Hi There!"
func (sb spanishBot) getGreetingSpanish() string { // this is not getGreeting
// unique logic for generating a spanish greeting
return "Hola!"
Rules of interfaces
We can also have some more complex interfaces. For example:
type bot interface {
// ⬇️ list of arg types
getGreeting(string, int) (string, error)
// ⬆️ func name ⬆️ arg return types
You can also have functions that take in interfaces as arguments:
type bot interface {
getGreeting(string, int) (string, error)
getBotVersion() float64
respondToUser(string) string
- Interfaces are not generic types.
- Some other languages have 'generic' types.
- Interfaces are implicit.
- We don't manually have to say that our custom type satisfies some interface.
- At no point in our code do we say that
satisfies thebot
interface. - All we did was declare that
has a function calledgetGreeting
that returns astring
- Interfaces are a contract to help us manage types.
- If you have a function that takes in an interface, you can pass in any type that satisfies that interface.
Concrete types vs Interface types
Concrete types are types that we can create instances of. We can create instances of englishBot
and spanishBot
because they are concrete types.
type englishBot struct {
func main() {
eb := englishBot{} // this is a concrete type
Interface types are types that we cannot create instances of. We cannot create instances of bot
because it is an interface type.
Concrete type | Interface type |
map | bot |
struct | |
int | |
string | |
englishBot |
There is no way to create an instance of bot
because it is an interface type. We can only create instances of concrete types.