Hi, I'm Curtis

As a passionate web developer based in Vancouver, BC, I am currently contributing to the dynamic tech team at 14 Oranges. My journey into web development was sparked by my time at Apple, where I served as an Associate Manager. During my tenure, I led product launches, conducted training, and managed a team of over 100 employees. My drive comes from a love for continuous learning, tackling new challenges, and collaborating with talented teams. I'm always eager to expand my knowledge and grow within the tech industry.

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Recent Projects
Personal Website

Personal Website

Designed and developed a personal website to showcase projects and notes, emphasizing efficient and responsive design with Tailwind CSS and Next.js. Achieved near-perfect Lighthouse score, ensuring high performance and accessibility. 42 stars and 9 forks on GitHub ⭐️

ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSFramer Motion
Netflix Clone

Netflix Clone

Note: This project got a copyright violation due to the use of the Netflix logo. Will need to change this in the future.This project is a Netflix clone that was built using cutting-edge technologies such as TypeScript, Next.js, React, Hasura, Supabase, GraphQL, Magic, and more.

Coffee Shops - Discover and Favourite Coffee Shops near you!

Coffee Shops - Discover and Favourite Coffee Shops near you!

This project served as a learning tool for me to get more familiar with the advanced features of Next.js and to learn more about the use of Airtable as a database. I also wanted to learn more about the use of SWR to handle data fetching and caching. I wanted to learn about creating API routes and using Airtable to store data.

TypeScriptNext.jsSWRAirtableFoursquare API
Nextjs Tailwind Template

Nextjs Tailwind Template

This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS starter template intended to be used as a portfolio or personal website. It comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies, tools, and best practices. It's built to be easily configured, customized and extended. It's also fully responsive and mobile friendly.

ReactNextjsTailwind CSSFramer Motion
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